Digital Pharmacy


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Frequently Asked Questions

No. The pharmacy do not need to register a Google Play Account to have an Android App.

Yes. Apple regulates that pharmacies should have a business account registered on Apple Store to host the iOS App. It cost $150 USD per annum to register an Apple Store Account.

Typically Google takes 3-5 working days to approve the App on Google play for the first time.

Typically Apple takes 5-8 working days to approve healthcare apps that deal with prescription products. They might ask the pharmacy to upload the valid pharmacy license to prove that pharmacy indeed can sell prescription products.

Yes. You need to purchase a domain so that we can set up the E-Commerce Portal on the domain you have purchased. You can use GoDaddy or any other domain provider for registering a domain.

Yes. The platform by default support “Cash on Delivery”

We support all popular payment gateways such as Stripe, Paypal, etc.

Yes. As part of the contract, we would support one payment gateway integration without any additional cost. For more than one payment gateway, additional development charges would apply.