Digital Pharmacy

Streamline Your Pharmacy Operations with Your Branded Admin Portal

Manage your pharmacy effortlessly with our all-in-one admin portal. Easily upload your product catalog, handle and process your customer orders, update order statuses, and chat with customers in real-time. Share health tips and promotions, simplify payment processes, and access detailed order reports. Improve your customer care and grow your pharmacy with our intuitive admin portal.

Pharmacy Administration Portal -


Order Management

Employee Management

Multi-Outlet Management

Dashboard & Analytics

Promotional Banners & Offers

Manage Payments

Configurable Pharmacy Settings

Bulk Upload Your
Product Catalog

Easily upload your product catalog to your admin portal with the ‘Bulk Upload’ Feature. Download the excel sheet from the admin portal, add all your products to the sheet and upload the sheet. Additionally, update the list whenever required by making necessary changes and upload in the ‘Bulk Update’ section.

Create and Upload Products Individually

Add products individually by utilizing the ‘Create Product’ feature. Update product information by adding product descriptions, directions, indications, side effects, and more. Maintain transparency by adding high quality product images.

Create & Link Your
Products to Categories

Create categories such as vitamin supplements, health devices, baby care products and link your products to these categories. Allow your customers to explore products based on these categories.

Showcase Your Brands

Create a list of all the brands you have at your pharmacy and link your products to these brands. Allow your customers to explore products based on their favorite brands.

Manage Product

Update your inventory by adding or removing products as needed. Each time a product is added to the cart, the stock automatically decreases. Keep track of these changes and adjust stock levels as required. Utilize the ‘Remove Stock’ feature to discard your expired products to ensure your inventory is always up-to-date.

Manage All Your Customer Orders

View and manage all your orders from a single dashboard. Receive instant notifications for new orders and update their statuses at each stage. Keep your customers informed throughout the process. Easily generate and share order invoices via WhatsApp or email.

Prescription Orders

Receive prescription orders and review them with ease. Accept or reject the prescription as needed, add products to the customer’s cart, and send the total amount details. Allow the customer to approve the order before processing it.

Create and Manage Staff Profiles

Register your pharmacy staff with detailed profiles and grant them access to the pharmacist portal. Assign specific roles and outlets to each team member for efficient task distribution. Control what staff can do by enabling or disabling features from the pharmacy and outlet settings. This setup enhances workflow and optimizes staff performance.

Chat with Customers in Real-Time

Communicate directly with your customers within the platform. Provide immediate assistance, address inquiries, inform your customers about order status and enhance their overall experience and satisfaction

Multi-Outlet Management

Manage multiple pharmacy outlets from a single admin portal. Keep track of your stock across different outlets and assign the products to their respective outlets. Allow the customers to choose their nearest outlet and view available products. 

Post Promotional & Appealing Banners

Attract more customers by uploading appealing banners across multiple sections of your website. With your banners, highlight promotions, new arrivals, and special offers to capture attention. Drive engagement and increase sales by directing customers to relevant product pages when they click on the banners. 

Create Exciting Offers & Coupon Codes Coupon Codes

Highlight your discounts and special offers to attract customers. Create and share unique coupon codes to encourage purchases. Use these promotions to boost sales and build customer loyalty.

Share Health Tips and Promotions

Post health tips and product information on your website. Highlight product sales and promotions through your posts to engage customers. Direct your customers to product pages when they click on these posts, driving traffic and boosting sales.

Configurable Pharmacy Settings

Adjust the platform to meet your pharmacy’s unique needs with flexible settings. Enable or disable features as needed and manage payment methods. Add your social media links to direct and allow your customers to connect with you on social media platforms. Enhance transparency and build trust by including legal pages like your privacy policy and terms and conditions. Ensure easy access to essential information and maintain clear communication.

Get Analytics and Reports

Get valuable insights into your pharmacy’s performance with the analytics section. Monitor real-time data on key metrics like completed orders, sales trends, and customer interactions. Identify which outlets receive the most orders, track daily order patterns, and use filters to view data by date.